A Lifestyle and Travel blog by Bica, the family!

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The day we became a family: 8th of June 2020. For many people, including our family who was unaware, it was a normal day. For us, it was the most emotional day ever. We woke up early so we could be at Hygeia Hospital, at 8 am on the 8th of June. Us two and Shadow (our Labrador) got in the car and headed for the hospital. None of us were able to speak, too many emotions. After arriving at the hospital and concluding the check-in and registration we were given our room and were told to wait until 11 am. The c-section was scheduled at midday.

Our parents were not aware that we had scheduled a c-section for that day and texted us, as usual, to check upon us. We wanted to be sure everything went ok before informing them, that our baby girl had arrived.

“You can’t go back and change the beginning but you can start where you are and change the ending.”

When the time came, after loads of paperwork, I was finally transferred to the operation room. On the other room, my husband was super emotional and could not stay in his chair without fidgeting. He requested to join me in the operation room, but due to the situation with Covid, he was not allowed in.


The c-section performed by Dr. Klosi went smoothly and without any complication. When the moment arrived, and the nurse brought Doen to me, I was in total awe. She was so beautiful and full of black hair. Of all the ways I could imagine her, a head full of hair was totally out of the thought.

As soon as we were brought out to the reanimation room, dad was bagging at the nurses to let him in and achieved to come and meet us. That’s when we took the first photo as a family. Auntie and Uncle were already outside waiting for our video call. Shadow was waiting in the car for her little sister to arrive.

On the way to the hospital
Guess who"s there
We are three
meet princess doen

eanwhile, while I was in the operation room, grandma Aferdita and grandpa Abdulla, had heard the news and departed directly for the hospital.

And so a new adventure started for us that led to the creation of this blog and us sharing our adventures with you!

Keep reading on the other blog articles to find out more.

Hi, we are Bica family! We are Eneida, Dolsin, our almost 5-year-old Doen, our little one Ian who is 3-months old and our golden Shadow. As a blogger family we love to share our stories, experiences, and trips with the world! From fashion to parenthood, parenting to travel, we have a wide range of experiences that we love sharing with our online friends. We strive to bring our followers unique content that is both informative and entertaining.

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