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A day of fun with MiniMeis


n today's blog, we would like to tell you more about our adventure with MiniMais shoulder carrier.

2 Scandinavian dads set out to create the world’s best carrier for our daddy Dolsin, to use and help Doen explore the world in a safe and fun way.
It includes a backpack and a shoulder carrier for daddy to carry his baby girl around.
The shoulder carrier has won Invention of the Year 🏆by Time Magazine and we feel extremely lucky that we have been chosen to test it 🤩
To test it, we decided to climb Petrela Castle with our friends on a freezing Sunday afternoon. The weather was so cold, but the view was fantastic.
Doen and Shadow, our retriever, seemed to love it.
You can watch a short video here:

Hi, we are Bica family! We are Eneida, Dolsin, our 3-year-old Doen and our golden Shadow. As a blogger family we love to share our stories, experiences, and trips with the world! From fashion to parenthood, parenting to travel, we have a wide range of experiences that we love sharing with our online friends. We strive to bring our followers unique content that is both informative and entertaining.

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