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Lollipop Baby Monitor – child safety


e have been using Lollipop Baby Monitor for some time now and we can now honestly tell it was much needed in our home. The first thing you notice upon receiving your package, is the beautiful box and then as you reach out and take the monitor is so cute and soft to hold. Doen loves holding it and I cannot hide I love that sweet pink color myself as well.

My favorite feature of Lollipop Baby Camera, is that it offers Crossing & Crying Detection option. So if it detects noises or your baby crying it will send a notification to your phone.
Lollipop Baby Monitor offers Advanced Night Vision, as well. When I wake up at night I don’t have to get up and check on Doen, simply watch her from the Lollipop App.

My baby and me, installed the baby monitor in her bed, and check the photos below for how cute it looks:

Us moms are strange, when we are overtired we wish for our baby to fall asleep so we can rest a bit, and as soon as they fall asleep all we can do is watch them while they sleep? Thanks to Lollipop we can now look and take pictures of Doen while sleeping with our Lollipop Baby Monitor.
If you wish to get one for yourself, here is the link: https://amzn.to/3eyjA3M
Disclaimer! This is a sponsored post.

Hi, we are Bica family! We are Eneida, Dolsin, our 3-year-old Doen and our golden Shadow. As a blogger family we love to share our stories, experiences, and trips with the world! From fashion to parenthood, parenting to travel, we have a wide range of experiences that we love sharing with our online friends. We strive to bring our followers unique content that is both informative and entertaining.

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