A dreamy getaway at Marbella Elix, Greece

uring summer 2020, we didn't have any "real" holiday. Doen was born in June 2020 and the first three months, let's say we remember in a blur. Trying to adapt to life after Covid with a newborn, the lack of sleep and knowledge made us feel like we were on a rollercoaster. So we decided not to go on holiday.

Hi, we are Bica family! We are Eneida, Dolsin, our almost 5-year-old Doen, our little one Ian who is 3-months old and our golden Shadow. As a blogger family we love to share our stories, experiences, and trips with the world! From fashion to parenthood, parenting to travel, we have a wide range of experiences that we love sharing with our online friends. We strive to bring our followers unique content that is both informative and entertaining.
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